Collateral Damage

The moments seemed to tick by slowly and through out it all Luke was struggling to keep his calm. It wasn't that he was particularly worried about the fights. Or even that he was scared. It was more that it was just getting more and more tedious. Call him arrogant if you would, but he just didn't think any of these boys would measure up to his skill.

He flicked his eyes over to the Charlie to notice that he too was starting to interest in this. Not to mention patience. The anticipation of this fight had been building so long into their psyches that it was literally impossible for them to sit still. Most especially for Luke. Everything he had been planning to this moment and if he failed here all his plans would go up in flames.

It wasn't even really that Luke was worried about failure. It was more akin to being impatient to win. He was like the 6 year old his parents vehicle on a long trip. Every bit of his demeanor and facial expression was literally screaming "ARE. WE. THERE. YET?!?"

Charlie glanced over at his friend from the corner of his eye and had to stifle yet another groan. What was with this kid. He knew Luke was a bit of a trouble maker. He was always picking fights with other people and getting him to trouble. But tonight was different. Luke had an air of impatience about him that was even making Charlie feel uncomfortable. It was inevitable that that it would eventually draw the attention of others as well.

He was watching Luke shuffle from one foot to the next when he heard his name called. He walked up to the center of the crowd putting all thoughts of Luke aside. Shutting his eyes as he approached the center he inhaled deeply shutting out the noise around him and centering his qi before he began. Charlie straightened his stance as he raised his right arm to cover his face, the left was ready swing at will and waited for his opponent to strike.

The rules of the fight were fairly simple. Someone had to die. No weapons. No tag ins. It was one on one to the death and any other means at your disposal were allowed.

Charlie and the other man paced around each other in circle, sizing one another up as they did. Charlie swung his hair to knock his curls out of his and swung with his left arm, a jaw with the intention to strike his opponent in his solar plexus. He missed by half an inch though as the man was able to dodge at the last second. The man across of him sneered at his week attempt to strike, cat calling him and attempting to coax him into another swing.

Charlie watched as the 5 foot tall man attempted to goad him into another move and smirked. Idiot. He had watched intently how the other man moved. His reaction time, speed and reflex were at best average. The next move was an upper cut, destined to distract the other man. As his opponent once against attempted dodge Charlie was able to insert his right arm and swing with full force right into the center of the mans rib cage. The force of the blow was enough to knock the man to the ground and force the air from his lungs.

Charlie watched the man fall he came to stand over him and couldn't help but look down at the man with pity. He didn't really want to kill this guy but there was no choice. These were the rules that were given. The man had known this going in and obviously overestimated his strength. Shaking his head, he swung his leg, swinging rather smoothly while the man attempted to regain his breath, this time break the mans neck with the impact. He bowed to front of the room then promptly walked away.

It had to be done. Luke was determined to join, and he was determined to protect his kid brother. The man had simply been collateral damage.