The Man Called Hunter

Hunter watched the two as they approached. To be honest, he had been watching their interactions for some time now. The older of the two, Charlie, was easy enough to figure out. Charlie was the typical middle child in a large family. He was educated and trained in martial arts. He wasn't like the rest of the men here who took to the streets to build reputation or escape from their personal lives. This was Charlies form of rebellion. To put it simply he found a freedom out here on the streets he could not experience at home. Furthermore he wasn't restrained by the shackles of being the middle child in the family. Here on the streets he neither had to compete with his older sibling, nor did he have to constantly set the example or deal with the pampered younger one.

Luke on the other hand was a mystery. No matter how much Hunter watched him, he could not figure him out. There was a simple cold devil may attitude to the kid that peaked his curiosity. A part from this there was also the way in which he had handled his opponent. There was a cruelty in his actions which defied his young age. The scary part was you couldn't even call it blood lust, from Hunter's stand point, Luke's behavior came down to one thing only - Entertainment. He was quite literally like a cat playing with prey.

There were also moments, like earlier, when he watched him jumping and giddily dancing around his friend that seemed so uninhibited and almost feminine at times.

Luke was like a puzzle and the more Hunter watched him, the more he couldn't pull his eyes away.

He was deep in though regarding this kid and his peculiar behavior when he found the object of his interest standing right before him. Hunters eyes narrowed as they dissected the kid, like he was trying to see through him.

Luke was watching as Hunter quietly sized him up, his throat going involuntarily dry as he tried to swallow. What was it about this guy seemed to draw his attention. He was like a magnet and no matter where Luke was or what he was doing his eyes seemed to follow and look for Hunter of their own accord.

As he was being measured Luke couldn't help but measure the man as well. It was only fair right? Luke's gaze fell level with Hunters, taking him with his eyes from head to toe. It wasn't that Hunter was particularly tough looking. He was just under 6 foot tall and now that Luke got a closer look at him, he seemed to be pretty slender. Not in the skinny way either. It was all muscle. Not the heavy muscle that most weight trainers put on quickly from overuse of steroids. These were the kind of muscles that took time to build and tone. There was not one spare ounce of flesh on this man from what Luke could see.

If that wasn't enough to draw notice there was also the way he carried himself. It reminded Luke of a wild animal. His name was fairly adequate in this sense, he was most definitely a hunter among the crew. There was an air about him that demanded recognition as thought it was his natural right. An aloofness that clearly demonstrated the inferiority of the crew. Yet oddly enough, Luke wasn't intimidated by this over whelming presence. He smirked.

"Are you done?"

Hearing the way Luke spoke up to the man not only did Charlie flinch, but so did Cage, Hunters second. The two men were sweating profusely certain that the boss was going was going to kill them for certain now.


He laughed.

This kid has balls.