The Siblings.

After their meal ended they all went to the garden for tea. Everyone was talking animatedly making Jen feel very sentimental. She remembered when her family was still in its position before the bankruptcy the way she used to be indulged by her grandfather and how they would meet on Sundays to bond.

Her father was the only child of her grandfather so they were especially cherished by their grandfather, especially Jen. Jen had a sad smile on her face as she was lost in her thoughts. Lucas had noticed first but the rest of his family had noticed soon after.

"Jen" Lucas called softly getting her out of her thoughts. Everyone pretended not to notice what happened and continued talking animatedly to each other.

"Is something wrong?" Lucas asked as he rested his hand on her back and soothed her.

"I'm fine, I just remembered my family" Jen said with a smile.