Laura's Call

Jen was being completely overwhelmed by Lucas and she could not find it in herself to stop him. Lucas had been waiting for some form of confirmation from Jen that she liked him and what she had just told him was more than enough to make him excited like currently was.

The pair of lovers got carried away, so much so that they did not hear Jen's phone ring. Lucas had already lifted Jen from the ground and she had her legs wrapped around his waist as one of his hands was behind her head and the other around her waist. He set her on top of the kitchen counter and soon enough she felt cool air against her back.

Lucas had opened the zipper to her rompers and it was already sliding off her shoulders. He transferred his focus to er neck giving her some reprieve.

She could feel the slow sensual licks and nips he littered across her neck and shoulders and her breathing got heavier. Before she could close her eyes and relish the feeling, she heard her phone ring.