The Morning After.

The following morning Lucas woke up first with Jen's naked body body laying on top of his with her head comfortably resting on his chest and their legs entwined with each other's. He could feel her warm shallow breaths on his skin and gently stroked her hair that was spread out across both their bodies.

He picked up his phone to check the time and saw that it was already past 10 am. He saw that his mother had sent him a message asking if he was going to go the main house for lunch and he quickly replied that Jen was not feeling well and he was taking care of her.

He looked at the woman who was still sleeping on top of him and saw the bruising on her skin from the previous night;s love making and figured that she would not have the face to face his family while she had a body full of hickies.

He pulled her body so that she was resting higher up his body and she adjusted herself so that she was comfortable and continued sleeping her breath lightly caressing his neck.