Happy Birthday Lucas.

Jen woke up at 7am in the morning mainly because she was used to being awake by that time, but before she could go back to sleep, she remembered that she had to pack her clothes for the weekend.

So, she reluctantly got out of Lucas' arms and left the warm bed. Before she walked out of the room, she turned to look at Lucas and smiled lazily before going to her room to pack her things.

It did not take her too long to get pack everything since it was just an overnight stay. After closing her bag that was jam packed with several items she went to shower and quickly got dressed.

When she looked at the time it was already 9am and she could not hear any movements from Lucas' room. She opened his bedroom door and saw that he was still sound asleep in his bed. Jen sighed helplessly and went to shake him awake.

"Lucas!" Jen half shouted and smacked his chest hard startling him awake.

"Mmh" he responded with his eyes still half open.