Silly couple

Lucas was laying in bed as he watched Jen move around the room non-stop. He regretted exaggerating his injuries because the moment they arrived in their room, Jen had started acting like a worried mother. After relaying orders to one of the maids she finally settled next to him.

"Are you okay? Is it still painful?" Jen asked worriedly. Lucas looked at her face and felt bad for making her worry.

"It's not that serious, I'm alright" Lucas said and smiled in reassurance.

"Are you sure? It looked really bad" Jen said and lifted his t-shirt to check on the bruise. She saw that it had gotten slightly darker and her expression also darkened.

"It's really fine Jen don't worry about it" Lucas said trying to comfort her.

"Maybe we should go to the hospital" Jen suggested surprising Lucas enough that he had become speechless.