Luck or Compensation?

Jen had gone to prepare dinner and Lucas went to help her out in the kitchen since he knew that she was probably as tired as he was from the long trip from the estate. Jen was making mashed potatoes and Lucas focussed on marinating the chicken he was planning on putting in the oven.

An hour later they were done cooking and were at the dining table having their dinner. They weren't feeling too hungry so they took their time while eating.

"Do you think the girls are home?" Jen asked Lucas before stuffing her mouth with salad.

"Probably, David has to be at work tomorrow so I don't think he would return late. You can check on them and see" Lucas said contemplatively.

"I'll call later to check on them," Jen said shrugging off the concern she felt. SHe couldn't help but feel responsible since she was the one that took her friends to the estate.