As long as he isn't a workaholic

After two hours, the girls were settled in a restaurant and had all ordered their food with the exception of Laura who was on a diet. She decided not to eat at all because salad would be completely tasteless infront of what everyone else ordered.

"You aren't going to eat?" Nancy asked worriedly.

"I have to be in tip top shape by the end of next week. I will only cheat if I have a fork in my hand" Laura said in despair. She knew she would take a bite from everyone's plate of she had the cutlery. They all nodded in understanding before the topic changed to Jen.

"What happened today? Was it urgent?" Leanna asked curiously.

"I had to take Lucas to the hospital this morning-" Jen tried to explain but was promptly interrupted by the girls.

"Oh my god what happened?" Rachel asked worriedly.

"Is he sick?" Nancy asked.

"Is it serious?" Laura asked

"Should you be here?" Leanna asked with a frown.