Test Results

Jen attended her classes even though she could not fully pay attention because she had been tired out by Lucas so early in the morning. She just operated on autopilot and took notes in class vowing to listen to the lecture again on Friday one it was uploaded on the university website.

After class, they received the results for the test that they had done a little over a week ago and Jen was happy to have passed. She had actually thought she would feel that it was good enough if she got a C seeing that she got a B+ she had managed to surpass her expectations. Michael received his test paper and after some nagging from Jen, he conceded and showed her his scripts. 

Even though she was happy a few moments ago, she could not stop the feelings of unhappiness that rose in her heart. How could he get all of the questions correct? Jen wondered as she flipped through his answers while gaining insight at the same time.