An acquaintance

"Lucas..., I think we should stop..., we're drawing attention to ourselves…" Jen said between kisses. 

"Mh" was the only response she received from Lucas was holding her waist with one of his hands.

"Lucas-" Jen tried to cut him off but ended up being cut off herself. Since Lucas didn't seem to want to let her go she pulled his head away by using the grip she had on his hair, and Lucas only released her because her pulling got painful

"Have you no self-control?" Jen asked clearly annoyed.

"I do, I just lose it whenever you are around," Lucas said making Jen smack his chest bashfully causing him to laugh loudly in disbelief.

"Are you being shy?" Lucas asked as his laughter died down.

"Let's go," Jen said as she turned her body so she was no longer facing him. Lucas kissed her cheek cheekily before closing the car door.