Tuesday Night

Roy stood in front of Tyler rethinking his entire existence. It was the first time he had been so miserable doing his job. He was even thinking of quitting right then and there, but the pay was really good.

Besides, he didn't think Tyler would be able to function without him. He had really developed the personality of a masochist, he thought to himself as he stood in front of Tyler.

Since Tyler had come back to the hotel from his mysterious excursion on the evening after they had arrived, he had had the worst mood swings and asked him the strangest questions.

The previous day, they were discussing some of the things that needed to be handled at the headquarters when suddenly asked something that completely threw Roy off.

"Do girls like being kissed in public?" Tyler asked, making Roy choke on his own spit.

How did the discussion of software lead his train of thought to such a weird topic?