The money is mine

Jen attended her last class for the week since her weekend will be starting on the next day. Once the lecturer said his final words and that he will email them the following week's reading list, he finally left the lecture hall.

Jen took her time packing her things which was a contrast to how Michael was just shoving his things in his bag.

"What's the rush?" Jen asked in amusement.

"There's going to be an important business deal today, I definitely don't want to miss it," Michael said as he quickly zipped up his bag and checked the time on his phone.

"Shit, I'm late!" he exclaimed before slinging the bag over his shoulder and running out of the hall. Jen chuckled as she looked at his departing back and also stood up to go to the cafeteria.

After arriving, she saw that the girls hadn't arrived yet so she went to buy herself some juice before picking an empty table to sit on.