What is that supposed to mean?

"What's going on?" Laura asked as she came out of her room with a bathrobe while drying her hair. 

"Oh god, no," Rachel said in despair when Laura appeared from her room. She knew she would not live it down. Jen did not spare any details and the two of them em teased Rachel till she started thinking of asking Brian to not show PDA especially in front of her friends.

"Okay you two, you should stop now," Rachel said for the nth time and after seeing the expression on her face, the two girls decided to stop teasing her.

"You don't have to have such a sour expression," Jen said with a chuckle. They were never able to tease her about her boyfriends before so they got carried away. 

"Anyway, have you talked to Jen about it?" Laura asked making Jen curiously raise her eyebrows. Rachel knew what Laura was talking about, and even though the two girls didn't know it, it was the reason why Brian had come to see her that morning.