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For the first time in a few days, Jen managed to wake up naturally in the morning. She had developed a dislike for Lucas' alarm tone over time so not having it wake her up in the morning was nothing short of a blessing for her.

Although she woke up naturally, in reality she had woken up because she was feeling hot. Lucas body was like a furnace, and even though that would be the best thing that could happen to anyone during winter, in summer it was nothing short of a nightmare. The only reason Jen was able to sleep with him was because of the air conditioning in the bedroom.

In all honesty, she was especially hot because she was not wearing anything and her skin was directly plastered against Lucas' skin as he insisted on hugging her to sleep.

The only time she would receive some reprieve was when she needed to use the bathroom where he would release her, but the moment he felt her get back into bed he would pull her against his body almost subconsciously.