Beautiful Nancy

"Can you be a bit patient? I'm coming down right now" Nancy said to David who was on the phone on speaker. She was trying her best to be fast about wearing her shoes unfortunately, the shoes will end up slowing her down anyway.

"I told you to be ready by 9 pm Nancy, it's almost 9:30 now," David said calmly. Nancy felt even more pressured because he sounded calm. It would have been better if he was upset because she could take her time out of spite but he did not even raise his voice.

"That's why I told you to come up," Nancy said as she rolled her eyes in frustration. David did not go upstairs mainly because he wanted her to hurry. If he was comfortably sitting in her apartment as he waited she would not bother rushing at all. Him being outside meant that he was being inconvenienced so she would try to be quick with what she was doing.