Still going?

Lucas walked behind Jen as they entered the parking lot of the hotel. She unconsciously held on to one side of her dress since it was so long and she needed to walk faster, something that is hard to do when the dress was already acting like a hazard.

Lucas caught her hand when she almost tripped over herself for the third time with a chuckle. He helped her straighten up and waited for her to regain her balance before she regained her balance.

"We should hurry up, we're already late" Jen muttered and continued walking. Lucas smiled happily before he followed her.

He knew that she was slightly annoyed since they had gotten carried away after Jen decided to tease him back. They should have already arrived at the venue but they hadn't even left home yet.

"Which car are you taking?" Jen asked when she realised that she didn't know where the car they would be leaving with was parked.