Sofiya Rezian

"Thank god you're here," Michael said as soon as he stopped in front of David. He had a tall dark-haired beauty hanging off his arm that had an uncanny resemblance to himself.

"Is there a problem?" David asked and nodded his head in the direction of the beauty as he did not even get the chance to greet her properly since Michael did not even bother to introduce her.

"I was just nervous about everything. I have never been responsible for such events before" Michael said honestly.

 "Mmh, the staff is experienced so the mishaps that would occur wouldn't be big enough to actually cause chaos to the entire event," David said seriously.

"This is?" Nancy curiously asked. She had seen Michael on campus before but she was curious about the lady he had come with.

"Oh, sorry, this is my older sister Sofiya. Sofiya, this is my direct superior at work David" Michael introduced and the two of them shook hands.