Eventually See Her.

Tyler made his way back to his room partly from annoyance and nervousness. He also went back because he was unsure of how to digest what he had just seen. 

He knew that if he went into the hall he would have to see Jen. He would not be able to ignore her at all and would even have to talk to her at some point during the night.

Tyler closed the door to his room and went straight to the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of water that he quickly opened and drank from as he made his way to the living room.

He removed his jacket and neatly placed it on the arm of the sofa before he sat down. He lifted the water bottle to his mouth once more and took a long drink from it before the phone in his pocket started vibrating.

He took out his phone and saw that the one that was calling him was Roy. He sighed and cut the call before throwing it on the sofa. He wanted to smoke but he also didn't want to smoke.