Take Responsibility

Jen became painfully aware of her bad mood the moment Lucas had come to stand next to her. As they walked further and further away from the crowd, the heaviness in her chest subsided as well.

She did not know what was wrong with her. She knew that she should be used to these types of situations especially because she had been brought up in that environment.

She followed Lucas' lead blindly as he led her to an inconspicuous room that was directly attached to the hall. It was put there in case the people at the party wanted to have a private conversation that was not meant to be heard by other people. Of Course, the priority user was the host of the party.

Lucas opened the door and brought Jen inside before locking it so that they would not get interrupted. The moment the two of them were completely out of the crowd's vicinity Lucas' mask fell and he worriedly walked towards Jen who looked like she was lost in thought.