
After tossing around in bed with Jen, Lucas had taken a short nap before he woke up again in thirty minutes. He got out of bed and directly went to take a shower. He did not even need to remove any clothes since he had been naked the whole time. He quickly showered and brushed his teeth before putting on his robe.

He left the bathroom while drying his hair with a towel and silently left the bedroom. He did not want to wake Jen up because he knew that he had definitely worn her out. He went downstairs to the kitchen to fix them something to eat since Jen was complaining about being hungry.

He opened the refrigerator and took out ingredients for a simple breakfast and bit into an apple as he did so.

He made quick work of preparing the ingredients and as he was making the eggs Jen had come down the stairs. Her hair was damp from the shower. She decided to wash it since she had sweated all over it the previous night and that morning as well.