Am I still your son?

"I hope you're hungry," Lucas said as he looked at Jen who was looking out her window. Jen turned her head to look at him drive but did not say anything.

"What are you thinking about?" Lucas asked curiously when he saw that she was maintaining her silence. 

"The party last night" Jen answered honestly. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" Lucas asked. He did see that there was a point during the night where she was a bit off, and he was a bit too preoccupied after the party to ask her about it.

Now that she had reminded him, he thought that they should talk about what happened. It would be easy to ignore it but Lucas had pretty much made up his mind on being with Jen in the future so she was going to be attending similar events and he wouldn't be able to watch her get uncomfortable as she was at the party last night.