Hot Chocolate

Jen quickly did her dishes and made two mugs of hot chocolate and carried them upstairs to Lucas' study. She couldn't knock, so she opened the door with her elbow and went inside before using her foot to close the door.

Lucas looked up at her and saw that she was still in a bathrobe. He checked the time and saw that it had already been two hours since she left his office. He removed his glasses as he leaned back on his office chair.

"Are you still busy?" Jen asked cautiously as she walked towards him. She did not want to bother him or be a distraction, that was why she asked.

"No, I'm done with today's quota, I was just going through the things I have to do tomorrow," Lucas said as he placed his glasses on the desk in front of him.

"I made you some hot chocolate," Jen said as she walked towards him and placed the black mug in front of him.