Drunk kid.

Jen was able to guess what was going on in Lucas' mind when she realised how heated his gaze had become. She quickly stood up from the couch and handed the wine glass back to him. 

"Um, I'll go get my own glass, I think the hot tub is ready as well, so I'll get the bottles as well, you go first," Jen said as she made an obvious escape.

"No why don't you go first I will sort everything out and come downstairs afterwards," Lusa said as he stood up.

Jen gave Lucas a blank stare and bit her lip in conflict and slightly tilted her head before she turned around and went downstairs as he asked her to. Lucas went to the kitchen and took a wine glass and three bottles of wine before heading downstairs as well.

The moment Jen opened the sliding doors that led to the balcony that had the hot tub, she felt the chill on her skin and goosebumps rose before she shivered involuntarily.