Tipsy Dave

The party continued until late, and fortunately for Rachel, she did not have senseless guests who did not know when it was time to leave. Jen and Lucas left after most of the other guests had gone since they were considered to be close to Rachel.

They couldn't exactly leave her alone with a large group of strangers because, as Jen put it, she would find it very overwhelming. So Lucas stayed behind with Jen until only a few people remained and the couple took their leave afterwards.

David was in no state to drive since Jason had kept on handing him drinks through the night, so Nancy took the responsibility of driving him back home.

David had a hand around Nancy's waist as they walked to his car, and to her amusement, he opened the door to the driver's seat for her before going to the passenger's side. Nancy started the car and waited for him to put on his seatbelt before pulling out of the driveway.