It came.

After the previous day's confessions, Jen had started her day in a relatively good mood. She didn't have to spend so much time waking Lucas up anymore. It was as if he suddenly snapped out of that phase. She didn't know that it was because he had felt guilty for making her wake up so early just so she could make sure he goes to work in time.

He still hated waking up early in the morning the most but he couldn't force this activity on her, he was the one that had to go to work and the fact that she would wake up early to make him breakfast made him happy enough. He wouldn't mind even if she stopped, but his stomach would probably protest if he started skipping breakfast.

Jen had gone back to bed after accompanying Lucas to breakfast as she was feeling exhausted for some reason, she just thought it was because she had slept late the previous day so she just wanted to get a few extra hours of shuteye.