Turned off

Rachel had been the first one to leave the café as she had to get back to work and had gotten carried away. After she left, it didn't take long before Laura also had to leave as she had to prepare for the shoot she would have later, leaving the three girls alone.

Jen, Nancy and Leanna hung out for another hour before they too dispersed. Leanna had plans with Ethan, so she had to drop Nancy off at home before she went to meet him.

Jen stopped by the supermarket on her way home to shop for groceries and supplies before going back home. It was already dark outside by the time she got home, even though it was only 5 pm. She got out of the car with her shopping bags and went to the penthouse.

She arranged everything when she got home before going to take a hot shower. After her shower, Jen headed straight to the kitchen to make dinner. Since she was in a good mood, she ended up making a feast.