Something I want to eat.

Jen quickly cleaned up and went to her room to get dressed. When she got out of the bathroom, she briefly glared at Lucas before leaving his bedroom. An action that served to amuse him for a while.

Once Jen had left, Lucas also went to take a quick shower before he too got redressed and carried their luggage downstairs. As he was waiting, at exactly 1 pm he received a call from David.

"Give me another ten minutes," Lucas said as soon as he picked up the call.

"You knew I was going to pick you up at this time," David complained. In reality, Nancy had decided to spend the weekend with him so he had left her home alone just to take them to the airport.

"Mmh, it's taking longer than I expected," Lucas said without bothering to explain any further, and even after hanging up he did not call or rush Jen and instead, patiently waited for her.