Joining the Mile High Club.

A little over an hour later Jen opened her eyes only to realise that she had also fallen asleep and was being held by Lucas. The television was still on and she could feel Lucas' shallow breaths as she was resting her head on his chest.

She stretched her body and yawned only to feel the arms that were surrounding her tighten. Before she could respond she felt Lucas kiss the side of her head before pulling her even closer to him.

"Were you awake?" Jen asked as she too draped an arm over his torso.

"Mmmh, for about ten minutes maybe?" Lucas answered, his voice sounding hoarse since he just woke up.

"You should have woken me up," Jen said as she pulled back so she could look up at him.

"I was comfortable," Lucas said as he left a peck on her forehead, then her nose before kissing her lips.

"Really?" Jen asked against his lips.