Can you talk?

As the two sisters ate, Jen told Alex everything that had been going on in her life since she left home. Why she decided to go to university, how she met Lucas, how they ended up dating and how she ended up living with him. Alex was shocked to hear that she had had a stalker that had followed her all the way to City X.

Even though she wanted to express her surprise many times she held back because she was still curious about what happened next. An hour later, two of them finished their dinner and were having some wine when Jen suggested they go for a second round somewhere else.

Jen took out her phone and asked the driver to come back and pick them up before she continued talking to Alex.

"You didn't bring a car right?" Jen asked her sister, just in case.

"No, Jake normally drives me around, he dropped me off before going home," Alex said as she drank her wine.