Out of Character.

Lucas looked at Jen curiously as he was a bit confused about her reaction. He was only hoping that it was not bad news that made her react so strongly.

"Have you thought about what you want to do?" Jen asked as she leaned against the wall while looking at Lucas.

"I don't know what I'm going to do, I'm just confused right now and scared," Leanna said from the other side. She tried to sound strong, but Jen could hear her voice slightly shake as she was talking. Jen didn't think she should be alone when something life-changing like this was happening. She will overthink things and might end up making very drastic decisions.

"Have you eaten?" Jen asked, suddenly confusing the already confused Leanna more than she already was.

"No, not yet," Leanna answered.

"What do you want to eat?" Jen asked and was met with silence. She did pressure Leanna for an answer and only patiently waited for an answer.