Not impressed!

"Have you arrived?" Alex asked the moment she picked up her phone. She had been communicating with Lucas' assistant on the collaboration they were going to have with his hotel and was waiting to see the proposal that was prepared.

"Yes, I'm still outside," Michael said as he was shrugging on his coat. He picked up his briefcase and locked the car and walked towards the restaurant.

"Okay, just come in, I'm coming down to get you," Alex said as she stood up from her desk. Her office was on the second floor of their main restaurant, however, if they are able to seal the deal with L. L Hotels then she was sure that they might actually have to move to a proper office building since there will be an increase of staff that will work in the office.

As Alex was coming down the stairs, she happened to hear the restaurant door open and a young dark-haired man walked in. She knew who it was almost immediately since Jen had described Michael to her before.