
Leanna had told no one else about her pregnancy, so the only people who were aware of were Jen, Lucas and Ethan. She was still worried about how everyone else would react if she told them about it so she decided to keep it quiet until she was ready to share the good news with everyone. She even restricted Ethan from saying anything even though he wanted to brag about it to all of his friends.

Leanna checked her reflection on the mirror once more and smiled in satisfaction. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a white turtleneck with a pair of heeled boots on her feet. After putting on some lipstick and her earrings her look was complete.

She then started putting her things in her purse when her doorbell rang. She carried her purse and went to get the door, only to be met by an enormous bouquet of roses. She smiled brightly when she saw them and as she was about to touch them, Ethan's head poked out from behind them.