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Before the love birds knew it, they were already on their way back to City X. David had come to pick them up from the airport and dropped them off at the hotel but he had only come to pick them up to make sure that Lucas went to the office. So Lucas just helped Jen with her things before changing and going back downstairs to head to the office.

"I hope you enjoyed your vacation," David said as he looked at Lucas who was sitting in the backseat.

"I did, that was until I landed," Lucas answered in a serious voice as he went through his documents. 

"I'll be taking my leave on February," David said as he turned into the parking lot of their office building. Lucas got off the car and walked towards the elevator with David trailing behind him.

"Are you going to see your father first?" David asked. Lucas paused in his reading and thought about it for a second.

"It's better if I did," Lucas said after a moment of silence.