This time.

"I'm going to take a shower. Make sure you order our dinner," Jen said once she sensed that standing in one place with Lucas would result in him forgetting about dinner entirely.

He watched her walk away from him and go up the stairs with a flirtatious smile that just served to make Jen move even faster than she was already was. He chuckled as he watched her disappearing figure before taking his phone out of his pocket and shrugging off his suit jacket. 

He sat down comfortably on the couch as he called the hotel manager to order his dinner. After settling that task, he checked his on his emails from work and saw the email for his acceptance to the university. His eyebrows slightly furrowed as he opened to read it.

It wasn't that he doubted his abilities at all, in fact, he was very certain that he would be accepted just from the quality of his degree, and the fact that he had been working for about seven years already.