At Her Mercy.

The two watched a psychological thriller as they ate their lunch. They were still talking to each other when the movie started, but now they were both immersed in the plot. Especially since they were already finished with their meal.

Jen had curled up next to Lucas and leaned on his chest while he unconsciously played with her hair as they continued to watch the movie.

Lucas' attention suddenly got diverted when he felt Jen's cool hands on his stomach. She had slipped her hands under his t-shirt and was rubbing his abdomen.

"What are you doing?" Lucas asked, his focus on the movie completely ruined.

"My hands are cold, just bear with me a little," Jen said after looking up at him. Her hands were really cold, he could feel their cool temperature.

"Should I put a warmer setting?" Lucas asked as he flipped a small area that was next to his armrest and fished out the a/c remote.