Lunch with Dad.

When Lucas and Noah walked into the restaurant. They were immediately ushered into a private room. The staff there were familiar with all the people from high society, so they were very efficient in carrying out their duties.

Noah sat down on the luxurious seat and Lucas sat opposite him as he took in the room. The room was quite spacious and was moderately decorated. They had managed to make it look luxurious without making it look tacky.

"Order what you want," Noah said and gestured at the tablet at the centre of the table. Lucas picked it up and requested some water before making his choice of lunch before handing it over to Noah, who did the same.

Soon Lucas watched his father as he sipped on his glass of iced sparkling water. He wanted to ask him what he wanted to talk about, but he knew that he couldn't rush him.

"How has work been?" Noah asked after observing Lucas for a few minutes.