Too Early.

"Are you going to come with us?" Jen asked Alex after making a phone call to check if she has time to go with them to Lucas' farewell party.

"Don't worry about me, I'll come later," Alex said, sounding like she had just woken up. She had been sleeping in more these days since she didn't have to wake up early in the morning to go to the restaurant anymore.

"How will you come? Will you need someone to come and pick you up?" Jen asked her since she knew that Alex did not know where they were going in the first place.

"I'll come with Michael, it'll be fine," Alex said answered her.

"Oh, then I'll see you later, we are getting ready to go there right now," Jen said to her.

"Don't have too much fun without me," Alex said and yawned after that statement. Jen laughed helplessly and said her goodbyes before hanging up.

"She's not coming with us?" Lucas asked her.