Hot Night.

Lucas had pried open the robe to see what was inside. The sight that greeted him made him laugh out loud happily, and Jen turned even redder than she was before. What was up with his embarrassing reaction?

Lucas held her breasts in his hand and lightly squeezed them before tracing a finger around the edges of the material that was covering her nipples. Jen looked at Lucas, whose eyes were riveted by what was in front of him, and smiled helplessly. If she knew she would like them so much, she should have shown them to him from the beginning.

"Do you like them?" Jen asked, and Lucas looked up at her. 

"Mmmh, the colour suits you," Lucas said and pinched over the material. Although the force had become dulled down by a lot, Jen could still feel a pinch from the action.

She shrugged off the robe she was wearing and tossed it behind her. She did not even know where it landed, nor did she care.