I Can't Waste Your Efforts.

Even though Jen was so obviously… thirsty. She reigned in her impulses and brought out the food she had gotten as she was on her way to get Lucas. Lucas looked at the food she brought back and sat at the dining table and looked at her with his head in his hands.

Jen neatly arranged the food on two plates and brought them to the dining table. She placed a plate in front of Lucas as she too sat down next to him to have her meal.

She had eaten nothing that day as she had been busy packing her belongings for when she was travelling. 

"Aren't you going to eat?" she asked him when she noticed he had just been staring at her.

"Mmmh, I am," Lucas said with a suggestive smile. Jen had already picked up her fork of food but paused from how distracting his gaze was. He was trying to entice her, wasn't he?