My Furnace Is Here.

The two of them had their lunch as they caught up with each other, and when Jen was done with the dishes, she joined Lucas at the living room sofa. She folded her legs beneath her and leaned against him as she curiously looked at what he was watching on tv.

"Do you want to go out? Maybe play a bit? Do some shopping?" Lucas asked her as he toyed with a stray strand of hair. 

"Can we stay like this for the rest of the day? I really missed you," Jen answered as she looked up at him. When her eyes met his own, he could not find it in himself to refuse her.

"Mmmh, we can stay home," Lucas said as his fingertips lightly brushed against her jaw. He was looking at her flattering eyes before his gaze moved down to her lips. He then leaned over, as if in a trance, and kissed her tempting pink lips. The light kisses gradually started getting more intense as his tongue invaded her mouth.