The Surprise.

Jen took out a bottle of wine and took two wine glasses with her and went to sit in the living room. She fidgeted a bit as she was thinking of the best way to present her surprise to Lucas, but nothing came to mind.

With a sigh, she decisively opened the wine bottle and filled a wine glass before downing it like she was drinking water. She refilled it and drank half of it in one go, then relaxed against the sofa and looked at the dark television before her.

She wanted to plan this meticulously, but she was feeling very unsure of herself. She was nervous about how Lucas was going to respond to her and how she was going to respond if things went awry.

Lucas showered, knowing that he was going to be getting some later. As he put on his bathrobe, he wondered whether he should wear his pyjama pants or just go as he was. When he walked out of the bathroom, Jen was nowhere to be found.