Accidental Video.

Lucas looked at the ceiling in his bedroom in consternation as he took in the silent environment around him. Jen had only been around for two days, but he felt the void that she left after she flew back home.

Lucas was tempted to stay up until Jen got back home, but he had to wake up early for work the next day and he also had classes after work, so he had to rest early unless he burned out the following day.

After the plane was on a cruise, Jen went to the bedroom at the back of the plane to sleep. After taking a quick shower, Jen stood in front of the bed and recalled what she had done with Lucas on that bed when they were going back to her home the previous year.

Was it still okay for the rest of the family to use these facilities? Jen asked herself as she took out one of the t-shirts she had 'stolen' from Lucas's wardrobe.