Should We Go Another Round?

Lucas became busier with work and school and did not even notice that Claire had stopped following him around. He knew that his engagement party was going to be in a couple of weeks, so he tried to do a lot of work so as not to have too much of a burden when he came back.

Jen did not burden him with the plans for the party because she already knew how busy he was and would just ask him a few questions casually when they chatted every night.

And if he was being honest, he did not really care about how things were going to go as long as he could declare to the public that Jen was his woman. He would be happy. His routine became like this for the next few weeks and in no time, he was in his private plane going back to City X.

Jen had been jumpy and excited the entire day as Lucas was coming home. She even told her mother and sister that she won't be accommodating them and they should sort themselves out for lunch.