I'm Coming Soon.

Jen finished with her breakfast and went to wash the dishes as Lucas went upstairs to wash to prepare to meet his brothers later. Jen did not rush as she still had time, so she took her time washing and drying the dishes and even arranged them in the cabinets.

When she looked at the time, it was a little past 9 am. She walked to the living room and turned on the television, but turned down the volume so it would not distract her before checking for any messages.

She looked at the chat and saw that many of the girls were still getting ready. The only one that was ready was Rachel, which was very predictable.

Jen chatted with her friends up until Lucas came downstairs after his shower and gathered her up in his arms. The phone she was holding slipped out of her hands from surprise as Lucas nuzzled her neck. Jen leaned back to give him more access to her neck. Lucas kissed the sensitive skin as he took in her scent.