What If We Get Pregnant?

The following morning, Jen had to wake up early since Lucas was leaving that morning. When she woke up, she was face to face with Lucas' sleeping face. She smiled happily at his handsome face and moved to adjust her position, only to have a shaky moan escape her lips.

Lucas was woken up by both her movements and, ultimately, the noise she made. Lucas opened his eyes and looked at Jen, who had her eyes closed and her lips between her teeth. 

"Good morning," he greeted and moved his hips, eliciting another moan from her. Jen knew something was strange when she woke up, but she did not think that he had not pulled out when they fell asleep the previous night. With him experiencing his morning wood, she felt like he had deliberately tried to make a more advantageous situation for himself.

Lucas flipped, so that he was on top of her, and another moan escaped Jen's lips as he went in even deeper from the sudden change in position.