Going To The Restaurant.

Jen's lack of appetite did not last too long, as she started feeling hungry just a few a hours later. She made herself some cereal and sat in front of the tv to eat as she absentmindedly watched the program that was playing.

Once she was done, she went to get ready to visit her restaurant. She felt bored at the thought of staying home all day to wait for Lucas. So, she called Lucas to ask if she could borrow his car. Lucas was in his office going through some proposals that he needed to approve with a shallow smile on his face.

  When his phone started ringing, the smile on his face grew even wider when he saw the caller id. Martin excused himself and left Lucas's office to let him talk to his girlfriend comfortably. That, and he also did not want to be reminded of how single he was.

"Hello?" Lucas said as he picked up Jen's call while his eyes continued to browse through the documents that he had been reading.