No Need To Show Me. (Unedited)

The couple took their time with their dinner, and even though Jen's appetite was smaller and she had become a bit more pickier, she ate much more than she did the previous day, so Lucas just assumed that it was because she was still a bit tired from her trip.

After dinner they washed the dishes and dried them before Lucas took a bottle of wine and two wineglasses to the living room. Jen followed behind him with a bottle of water and settled herself on his lap the moment he sat down on the comfortable sofa.

  "Is it comfortable?" Lucas asked as he chuckled from how fast she had sat on top of him.

"Mmmh, it's comfortable, and warm... also smells good," Jen responded as she jokingly sniffed his neck, making Lucas laugh from amusement.

"You're also nice to hold, soft, and also smell good," Lucas said and teasingly nipped her neck. Jen's shoulders shook as she laughed and Lucas released her. She poured them two glasses of wine and handed Lucas one of them.