House Hunting.

The two did not fool around for too long and soon Jen was snuggling in Lucas's arms. Lucas was satisfied with teasing her for a bit before holding her as they were driven to their potential new home.

"How do you want the house to look like?" Lucas asked Jen whose cheeks were still flushed from all his teasing from before.

"I don't want it to be too big, it should have a yard, do you think we should keep a few pets?" Jen said as she continued thinking about how she wanted their own private family home to look like.

"Whatever you want we'll get. Just tell me what you are most satisfied with and we'll get that," Lucas said as he twirled her hair around his finger.

"I want to decorate the house," Jen said with conviction and a helpless smile appeared on Lucas's lips. 

"We'll be getting interior designers, you can work with them to make things more convenient," Lucas said and Jen couldn't help but smile back at him.