'Conservative' Wedding.

At the planner's office, Jen was sandwiched between the two mothers and silently watched as the initially small wedding became a wedding with three hundred guests according to Hellen's 'conservative' estimate.

"Are there really that many people that are going to make the trip here?" Jen asked feeling a bit flustered. 

"Although your father in law is an only child, he still has cousins, and they have family too. With my big family and your mother's that would probably cover a little over a hundred? With friends we'd get to two hundred. Business partners will also amount to quite a bit so three hundred is a conservative estimate," Hellen explained and Jen shut her mouth.

She did not know she had a big extended family! She turned to look at her mother who was busy going through the different wedding themes like she was not part of the conversation.

"Are you going to have a photoshoot?" Hellen asked without even looking up.